NSER New Survey Online Registration, BISP has begun including NSER New Survey participants who are eligible for the Benazir Income Support Program. Shazia Murri, federal minister for Benazir Income Support, recently declared that the NSER survey, which had been initiated not too long ago, will be revived.
Reps from the Benazir Income Support Program knock on doors as part of the NSER survey to learn more about residents, their living situations, home ownership, and monthly income. To determine who is ineligible for the Benazir Income Support Program, data on their spending habits is entered into an NSER database.

October 2023 NSER New Update
It has been announced that the Benazir Income Support Program will begin accepting new beneficiaries and provide them with cash aid. The NSER questionnaire is used to enlist new personnel. The purpose of this NSER survey is to determine whether or not respondents qualify for federal poverty-related assistance programs.
You must visit the Benazir Income Support Program office in your area if you wish to enroll in the program and receive financial aid through it. Now that registration and payments have begun, it is imperative that you finish up yours as quickly as possible.
Get your NSCR survey completed at the nearest Benazir Income Support Program office by bringing your identity card.
You will be asked a series of questions about your household and financial situation as part of this survey. You will be qualified or disqualified based on your answers to these questions. You may be eligible to get Rs.9,000 in financial aid. You will receive no help from anyone. If you do not qualify, then.
If you qualify, you’ll get a text telling you to dial 8171 to receive your funds. In response to this notice, please withdraw funds from any bank or cash facility immediately.

Many previously solid families are now struggling to make ends meet because of this event, which took place so long ago. Women’s husbands were still there back then, but nowadays many women are left financially dependent after the death of their male breadwinner. In addition, many deserving students lack the financial resources to pursue their education beyond the scope of this award.
Most Recent Changes to the Online NSER New Survey Registration Form: May 2023
CNIC Verifies NSER Registrations
Since many homes have already enrolled in the program, the NSER survey approach is being used instead of the traditional method of having a Benazir representative visit to your home to collect your information. It’s a new era in automobile design. Inside this page, you’ll find information on how to enroll in the NSER survey and receive Rs.9000 every three months from the Benazir Income Support program.
Register for the NSER survey by following these steps:
In order to apply for Benazir Income Support, you must first visit the office in person, where you will be given a form to fill out with information about yourself and your home, including your monthly income and expenses. If you add all these data to the application, it will be much better.
Always check your eligibility status before applying to this program.
Once they have collected all the necessary data, you will be added to their database and, if you meet the requirements, you will receive an SMD to your mobile device. Shared by S.
If you are eligible, you can get your money by visiting the center that is most convenient for you.
Go to Benazir’s office and lodge a complaint if you’re having trouble.
NSER NADRA Gov Pk Eligibility Requirements
The requirements for participation in this program are as follows.
- This program is for low-income families who truly need the help.
- This program is restricted to those with low monthly incomes and substantial out-of-pocket costs.
- Additionally, widows can participate in this program.
- Keep in mind that no one in your immediate family can be a government worker if you want to participate in this program.
- Participating in this program requires that you not be leaving the country.
- The applicant failed to provide a passport.
New Member Application for NSER.
The Registration Form for the NSER’s Latest Survey is provided below.
- New Member Application for NSER.
- Program Application Requirements Documentation.
- In order to enroll in this program, you will need the following materials:
- To participate in this program, you must first obtain a National Identity Card.
- You also need a phone number to reach the person. You’ll need to link this number to your National ID card, so don’t forget to do so.
- A widow who is interested in joining the program must provide NADRA with a copy of her husband’s death certificate.
Methods of Application
If you are eligible for the Benazir income support program, you will receive a text message on your phone asking you to confirm your contact details.

Verify Qualifications through 8171
The number to dial to determine your eligibility is 8171. Sending a text message to the number 8171 will verify your eligibility. Here is how to verify qualification:
- Your National ID card number (8171) has been sent to you.
- This text message must be sent using your own personal SIM card.
BISP Basic Information Required
Information | Details |
Contact Number | 0800-26477, 051-9246326 |
Address | Benazir Income Support Program, Block F, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan |
Registration Document Required | CNIC, B-Forms, Mobile No, Gas/Electricity Bill, Home Rent Agreement if Available. |